Does Ford still own Mazda?

Does Ford still own Mazda?

The Ford motor company never owned Mazda.

From 1979 to 2010, Mazda had a partnership with the Ford Motor Company, who acquired a 7% stake in 1979 and by 1996, owned 33.3% of Mazda. Under the administration of Alan Mulally, Ford gradually divested its stake in Mazda from 2008 to 2010, with Ford currently holding 2.1% of Mazda stock in 2014 and severing most production as well as development ties.

No They don't, They're just partners.

Yes, and it also owns Jaguar and many others.

You didn't answer my question.

Ford currently holds 2.1% of Mazda stock as of 2014 and have severed most production as well as development ties. Ford sold Jaguar, Aston Martin, Land Rover, and Volvo and no longer have any stake in these companies. Ford owns only Ford and that 2.1% of Mazda as on 2/2015.

I have Corporately bought Fords' as they are the most reliable and toughest trucks going. Why is your price not better? Stephen C. Lockwood