Does Ford buying the 18 story train station in Detroit after being abandoned for 30 years make Trump a good president? Are tariffs working?

Maybe we will finally have the "shining city upon a hill" that Reagan promised.

Large capital investments are typically planned several years in advance. I live in Detroit and Ford has been slowly building a campus in Corktown (the neighborhood where the train station is).

It could be that Ford's savings from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act spurred the purchase, I would admit, but I'm not privy to that information. It's not something a company does on a whim though.

Reagan is the one who tarnished that shining city by allowing foreign companies to flood our markets with cheap inferior products!

Guess who were the biggest distributors for those products? Conservative business leaders!

Nothing would make the putrid, lying pile of garbage in the White House into a good president.

Buying the old train station in Corktown is part of a 10 year plan to renovate old buildings there. It was announced in April 2016 that the train station was one of the targets. Trump had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Do your homework.

More companies you do things like this. How many mega-mansions do you need?

You clearly do not know matty moroun at all do you?

but hey if it makes you feel better at night yes it was all trump. Sleep tight sweetheart!