Does Christine Ford have that look women get, when they are closet alcoholics?

Does Christine Ford have that look women get, when they are closet alcoholics?

Added (1). Thank you Sally, I knew I could expect a Putin paranoid democrat to make a false accusation. You have me blocked so I mentioned it here.

Seriously, what?

Kavanaugh used to be a closet alcoholic.

She does not because she is not you loser. Thats why cons have issues getting women.

You eat swine Foie gras

Kavanaugh has the guts to keep going, he doesn't know the meaning of " stop ".

Attack the source when you don't like the truth, standard propaganda tactic.

Do you have that look of inbred stupidity?

Or pot heads.

Yes, but most Americans are closet alcoholics

I think she might be on drugs