Does bigfoot have more corroborating witnesses than Christine Ford?
Does bigfoot have more corroborating witnesses than Christine Ford?
Well, there were those videos of him pining for beef jerky.
The only witnesses bigfoot has are deluded simpletons… Like you
Not a fair question, bigfoot has more corroborating witnesses than Jesus.
- Shouldn't congress pass the eye for an eye Christine Ford law where Ford has to follow Sharia law if she can't provide 4 male witnesses? Paying by 100 lashes for not knowing the date of the assault, not knowing any of the details of her claims, and not having ANY witnesses that unknown night because nothing happened.
- When see Lexus.does this translate as I'm better than you.cause I'm so smarter than you? I mean "Chevy" to me says." I'm dumb and proud to be an American"? What about Ford? WHAT ABOUT JUST "TOYOTA"? (I'm SMARTER THAN ALL OF YOU!"? BUT HOW TRUE?)
- Does Christine Ford have the worst vocal fry and up-speak you have ever heard? Vocal fry - gravely voice Up-Speak - ends every sentence as if she were asking a question. It's the way Kim Kardashian speaks.
- Could Dems look any more foolish than they do right now with the Ford 'incident' from 36 years ago. Never reported, no witnesses, no? Specific details, like date or location. And both people accused deny it? Lol AND NOW she refuses to testify until the FBI investigates. Did someone forget to tell her lawyer Kavanaugh's been investigated 6 times already?