Does being concerned about standards of proof in accusations make you a dumb conservative?
I ask it because I'm concerned about that. Also, I'm not a conservative. But if I criticize Blasey Ford I get accused of being a GOP shill or whatever. Why are leftists so arrogant?
I believe there's reason to be concerned about the claims made against Kavanaugh. I don't automatically suggest he's guilty, but it would be reasonable to thoroughly check these claims. A week long investigation doesn't cut it.
No. But using "I care about truth!" as the basis for a victim/persecution complex makes you seem much more interested in trying to make friends than focusing on the quality of truth.
I'd wager you don't know anything more beyond the info-dumps you occasionally get from biased people who frequent 4chan and reddit. You're definitely using the vernacular. I'd also go so far as to say you're probably a memer. And memers generally get their political insight in like 5 sentence paragraphs. Ie: "SJWs TRIGGERED about Cuphead!"
If you have a genuine interest in truth and justice, you really COULD make a difference by picking a career in the justice system. Only 1 in 5 Americans trust it, after all.
I get that this Kavanaugh confirmation thing is not a trial, and the standard of evidence should not be the "Beyond Reasonable Doubt" used for criminals.
But in a civil trial, the standard of evidence is "The Preponderance of the Evidence." And even using that weaker standard, Ford's accusations and "evidence" wouldn't even come close to it.
So given that it won't even meet that lower standard, and that there's really no evidence whatsoever, I think it's just silly not to confirm Kavanaugh.
- What makes you think kavanaugh is guilty with no real proof? I mean everyone Ford claimed was with her denies any such event. Why would you ever believe her? Just because she's a women claiming to be victimized doesn't make her right… Or am I wrong?
- Since Ford was helpless to use her brain to get the attention she wanted, isn't it great she can play dumb & say her body was used? To get a book that sells? "My only witness denies the event and I don't know anyone else that went to the party… And I don't know how I got home… I was such a loner that I had ZERO friends that noticed I was traumatized or that I could tell. I was drunk for 3 years and hated my parents but look at me now… I have authoritah!
- If feminists are so concerned with men treating women badly and raping them, how come they support Islam? In Saudi Arabia, women must wear black polyester in the hot sun all day and must obey their husbands otherwise they can be beaten in public. Except, feminists never say anything about this even though that is 12,000x worse than anything that is happening in the US. How is the President having a private conversation or Christine Ford making up fairytales somehow more important than governments sending women to death for not listening to their husbands?
- I'm concerned about the way I drive my car I live in a desolate part of New Mexico, and I often commute for hours of a time. I regularly push my car at speeds of 90mph+ for several hours nonstop. I'm wondering if this will have any negative effect on my vehicle. (For context, I own a new Ford Fusion)