Do you think it's wise that Trump is attacking Christine Ford and even her loving parents now?

Do you think it's wise that Trump is attacking Christine Ford and even her loving parents now?

Seems pretty stupid to me

Will help him bigly in November. LOL.

Crazy liberal psychology professor sounds a little nuts herself.
Being felt up by a drunk boy while making out at a party in the eighties is an almost universal experience for women who went to school then.

normal women have long since forgotten about their first experiences making out at a party where there was drinking?

Universally American women are asking themselves? What's the big deal? She only got felt up outside her clothes.
There wasn't even under the sweater action.

To normal people Democrats sound constantly shocked about everything
and ready to declare the sky is falling about everything and anything Trump.

Barron Trump doesn't seem to like Donald. Donald seems to hate his own son.

No but then wisdom is not one of Trump's attributes.

No, but most things Trump has done are not wise

No he is no good.

Yet another "I have no proof of the garbage I spew on here" so-called questions!