Do you think Christine Blasey Ford will appear on Thursday?

Do you think Christine Blasey Ford will appear on Thursday?

Added (1). Or will she make some last minute demands


Yes and hopefully kavabaugh will disappear over the w/e when trump dumps him

No but Christine Blasey Chevy will.

I think she'll show up and have a hissy fit about something and either not testify or not finish testifying.

Yes, probably, but anything can happen. Who knows? Kavanaugh may have withdrawn by then.

If she isn't attacked on the way. She should have police escort.

Probably. She likely didn't think it was going to go this far. She and her handlers likely gambled on Kavanaugh offering some mea culpa, saying "I was young. I changed my ways" blah blah blah.

Thankfully, he punched this SJW thuggery right back in the face and stated emphatically that it was not him.

But, she's in for a penny, in for a pound now. She's got to play it all the way through.

Who knows? Or cares?