Do you feel sorry for Ford. It was obvious in her testimony that she was being used and lied to by the DNC?

He lawyers kept information from her, she was being lead around by her DNC sponsored lawyers who were there top do The Democrats bidding and not protect Dr. Ford

And your evidence of this is?

If the bar association did its job, those two lawyers would be disbarred for their misrepresentation antics. But don't hold your breath.

That's the DNC for you.

No. Useful damaged liberal activists are… Useful to the low brow DNC. Any lib with a functioning brain should know that.

Pons for the cause.

All women should be as brave as Christine Ford.

She was an embarrassment and sounded obnoxious with that nasty voice of hers.

Proof please.

She was used up, like a kleenex from the dirt-bags on the left, who have no RUTH… And are more like rabid dogs on the hunt… And will get what they deserve in the end…