Do you believe Christine Ford that she is telling the truth in her dispute vs Kavanaugh? Or do you think she lying?
Do you believe Christine Ford that she is telling the truth in her dispute vs Kavanaugh? Or do you think she lying?
Yes indeed kavanaugh is a proven kiar
That story is so lame it doesn't deserve any attention at all. It is all political, there I fixed it for you.
I was there. She tells the truth. Kavanaugh's pantssausage is burned into the mists of my memory. I haven't drunk vodka since that day.
I think she is telling the truth. She is literally begging for the FBI to investigate Kavanaugh and she realizes lying to the FBI is a felony. Why would she want an investigation if she knew she could go to jail for lying?
Why is Kavanaugh afraid? Why are cons rushing this? I've yet to read a good response to those simple questions.
This is the Left's pathetic attempt to keep another Trump nominee off the Supreme Court.
Based on all four of her chosen witnesses disputing her claims, and failing to find a single person to corroborate any part of her story, her assertions are weak and not worthy of upending our SCOTUS nomination process.
She has no proof, and in the real America, people with no proof don't get to alter the course of the nation.
I would need to her testimony. As a woman, I do not want a judge in a lifetime post to be guilty of sexual assault and harassment. We already have one in there, don't want another.
- If Blasey-Ford is telling the truth, she could instantly annihilate Kavanaugh with one, short BRAIN-SCAN LIE DETECTOR session. Of course, if? She's lying, she'd be the laughingstock of the century. And these MRI's are very, very accurate. Why won't she just demand they BOTH take one? I mean, since she isn't lying. .
- Are Christine Ford's details around her accusations against Kavanaugh intentionally vague so that it can't be proven she is lying? She didn't know when or where it happened or how she got there or how she got home. Every person she named have no recollection of it. Why did she delete all of her social media right before this went public? Was this a well planned hit job?