Do libs realize that Ms. Ford should testify because you KNOW people are digging into her background right now. It won't be pretty?
Do libs realize that Ms. Ford should testify because you KNOW people are digging into her background right now. It won't be pretty?
There's no point in the chick testifying when she can't remember what really happened.
If she were going to testify against Hillary, she would be found dead on Sunday. Just saying.
She is the one asking the FBI to investigate, so you are ignorant.
She is actually a well respected professor. This isn't a nobody. Let's hear what she has to say before we rush to judgement.
I think trump should re - open the background check so the FBI can investigate and get to the bottom of her allegations. So far trump is refusing to do so. Why?
I think Kavanaugh's buddy should be subpoenaed to testify for him!
As a character witness since he denies the other thing.
- Now that we know that Ford not only doesn't have any evidence and her girlfriend discredits her? Her ex boy friend says: Feinstein's sacrificial offering to the Dem plantation masters has no fear of flying and coached friends on how to take a polygraph test because that is the kind of friend Ford was.
- Now that she traveled extensively by Air, is Dr. Ford right that she didn't want to attend the hearing because of fear of flying or no? Although she had a fear of flying, she had traveled extensively by air for work, family visits and vacations. Is does she has fear of flying or no?
- Libs here's your chance' Ms. Ford claimed 4 people were witness to her accusation. Not one of them corroborated anything she claimed? So explain why she should be believed and Kavanaugh shouldn't. And don't forget Judge backed up what Kavanaugh said.
- How come people don't realize that Christine Blasey Ford is a liar? Nothing she ever claimed was actually proven and people believed her off nothing. Why should anything she said be taken seriously?