Do ellite model management or ford really check the applications that people send?

Do ellite model management or ford really check the applications that people send?

They check every single application that comes in because that's how they find 90% of their new models. I worked for a large NY agency and every single application was reviewed. They were first screened by asisstants and junior bookers to weed out those who definitely were not model material in terms of looks, height or measurements. That was 90% of the submissions. The remaining 10% were then sent to the respective agents (Kids, Women, Men, Plus, etc). The agents would review the submissions sent to them then if they found anyone they thought had potential, they would present them at the twice monthly management meeting. At that meeting, the majority of bookers had to agree to call the person in, but the agency director had final call
We would receive on average 500 applications per week and out of those, maybe 5 would be good enough to be called in for a face to face meeting