Did you notice Dr.Ford getting caught in the fear of flying lie?

Did you notice Dr.Ford getting caught in the fear of flying lie?

No. I wasn't aware that you were a psychiatrist.

We all knew she wasn't scared to fly… It's a partial truth. She was afraid to fly before being coached all the way and getting the money in her bank account.

That and her account over time of who was in the room and at the party has shifted many times.

Everything this woman has done has been calculated. Not naming dates times or even LOCATION makes her virtually bulletproof from perjury.

She flies all over the world. Over the ocean & off to distant islands, across the country.

Did you notice Kavanaugh nodding his head "yes" while answering "no" to certain questions, like did he assault those three women (head nodding "yes" all three times).

Google what that means.

No, but apparently Kavanaugh had several temper tantrums. He played the victim role very well. Predictably saying it is a huge conspiracy against him.

I think that lie can be traced to her shysters.

I noticed her getting caught in the "one witness isn't enough to convict, the accusation is over 30 years old, she's unreliable because she was drunk, and I'm not even fully convinced that she described a punishable offense" trap.

Nope explain

The looney left Stanford liberals told her to say she was afraid to fly because they needed to coach her up on getting her dream sequence right.

How can she forget how she got to the party and who took her there and forget how she got home from the party and who took her home but remember the attack so vividly and of course she remembers that she only had one beer. Democrats believed her without even meeting her as expected and they ask why this brave woman would come forward, well i would think that free legal, a go fund me account that has passed a half million dollars and someone is probably inking up a book deal and made for TV movie as we speak would be motive. She took it to the senate hearing where they were afraid to offend her so they stayed away from pushing her for the truth but if she files a criminal complaint she knows that she must face the lawyer of the person that she accused and the kid gloves will be off and she will be pushed to tell the truth and with all of the holes in her story she will crack. Someone needs to do a background check of little miss daisy Mae to find out just what her story is because we have now entered the age where someone's life can be destroyed by a mere allegation from an enemy or political opponent