Did y'all think it was funny when Trump started mocking Christine Ford's testimony a few days ago?
Did y'all think it was funny when Trump started mocking Christine Ford's testimony a few days ago?
Ford brought it on herself. She lied, was used by the left and played for a damn fool.
I tinkled myself,.
Nope but you sure had a ball with it right?
I wasn't aware that pointing out the inconsistencies in her testimony was ' mocking '
It was embarrassing and lowered the standing of the important position of US president. The USA used to be an honourable nation. I'm sure most of its people still are.
He didn't. He mention exactly what Ford has said
Nothing is funny anymore in this day of age. No laughing.
I thought it was hilarious! Thing is, for many people that was the first time they had ever heard about it. The liberal mainstream media virtually kept the content of Ford's letter and her testimony under wraps! But when Trump made fun of her, the media couldn't resist saying how bad Trump was for doing it, but they also had to explain WHY. And it all came out! It was funny though. Love him for that!
Trump doesn't respect women, that much is obvious.
You shouldn't expect him to show them respect, when all he has done in his life was showed them disrespect.
- With a few days to reflect, does Ford's story seem like someone relaying a dream? I'm being totally serious. "We were at some party, and you were there, and Kavanaugh was there and…" That is how you would not know who you went with, or when it happened, or where it was, or how you got home. You only remember a couple details and one "scene". In all seriousness, her story sounds like someone telling about a dream… It explains how nobody else who what "there" remembers it happening.
- What is leftist icon Christine Ford up to these days? Is she still making up lies about people touching her 35 years ago? Or did she just take the money, and run? ANON- so people donated money to her because she was "assaulted", and she in turn donates that same money to people who were assaulted?
- What did you think of the testimony earlier? Did it change your mind? It made me go from full-on supporting Ford to wanting the state of Maryland to investigate. If a crime happened, it was at the state level. I believe Ford's testimony to be credible enough to warrant some kind of investigation.
- Should Ford be studied for her ability to not remember details about her trauma after 13,000 days. But after 6 days with her lawyer? Her memory during her drunken stupor becomes crystal clear? Could Ford's techniques be used with alzheimer's patients, the elderly, and other drunks who experienced "black outs?"