Did the dems realize that Ford's testimony was going no where, so they used high school beer drinking as the new cause?
Did the dems realize that Ford's testimony was going no where, so they used high school beer drinking as the new cause?
Without collaborating evidence, she was hardly credible.
He's lied under oath that's enough
Yes sir. Anything to spew hate and ignorance is the new motto for the democrat party.
Nobody expected Kavanaugh to suddenly start lying under oath about his drinking and his yearbook quotes last Thursday. It was both a shock and a gift to Democrats.
Democrats reacted appropriately to this new information. When the enemy gives you a brand new opportunity for attack only idiots sit back and ignore it.
I just want to know how brilliant you'd have to be to be a drunk and still get all A's and finish at the top of a Yale class.
Feinstein is going to be investigated for what she did.
It's all they have. Kavanaugh is as fine a pick as any justice ever to serve on the Supreme Court. They just can't stand another nominee they didn't pick themselves.
Dems are really desperate at this point. Americans are wising up to it.
Ford was very credible. Kavanaugh however has various serious disqualifying factors, a few of which he demonstrated during his hearing.
- What did you think of the testimony earlier? Did it change your mind? It made me go from full-on supporting Ford to wanting the state of Maryland to investigate. If a crime happened, it was at the state level. I believe Ford's testimony to be credible enough to warrant some kind of investigation.
- Why did Christine Blasey Ford's best friend in high school Leland Keyser say she is lying? And why did Ford dismiss her by saying: "Leland has significant health challenges, and I'm happy that she is focusing on herself"" implying her friend was nuts.
- Do you think the yearbook from Christine Blasey Ford's high school was accurate when they described the parties at Holton Arms School? "although these parties are no doubt unforgetable they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene"
- Dems don't care -Only the dems had Ford's letter, which one leaked it? To the press which in a sense destroyed the lives of Ford and her family? The dems knew exactly what they were doing. The knew exactly the damage they would cause. They leaked it anyway. They don't care.