Did Ford read this before https://www.wikihow.com/Cheat-a-Polygraph-Test-(Lie-Detector?
Did Ford read this before https://www.wikihow.com/Cheat-a-Polygraph-Test-(Lie-Detector)?
Ford is a mental patient. Polygraph is built around normal responses from sane test participants.
All you need to pass a polygraph is a polygraph examiner who has been hired to say "yes, she is telling the truth"
Who paid for the polyygraph she took?
She should take a lie detector test!
She did.
She probably cheated!
No. Believe it or not. Most of us aren't like yawl. These are the types of things Cons sit around in think tanks with nobody thinking do. I know its hard for you to believe some of us are decent God fearing Christians with flaws. But not like this buddy.
Yeah she did.
Yes you can lie through a polygraph. You have to be able to be calm and you can also convince yourself that you did nothing wrong. You can cheat your mind into thinking you are telling the truth thus your body don't respond.
Some people are able to calm their breathing, relax to where that heart rate stays consistent, and that in turn prevents sweating and fidgeting which is what a lie detector measures.
She passed hers too so who do you believe?
- Why would Ford take a polygraph test and then be deathly afraid to say who paid for it? Unless she was being like Hillary who paid for the Russian dossier proving she was the one working with the Russian and tampering with the election like she did the primary?
- Trump has great confidence in lie detector tests for WH staffers. Will he accept Ford's result as well? Kavanaugh categorically denies that he assaulted Christine Blasey Ford. She has taken a lie detector test which affirmed she is telling the truth. If he assaulted her, and then lied about it, his nomination should be withdrawn or he should be voted down. Period, end of story.
- If Blasey-Ford is telling the truth, she could instantly annihilate Kavanaugh with one, short BRAIN-SCAN LIE DETECTOR session. Of course, if? She's lying, she'd be the laughingstock of the century. And these MRI's are very, very accurate. Why won't she just demand they BOTH take one? I mean, since she isn't lying. .