Did Dr Ford sneak into Kavanaughs house and peek at his calendar?

Reason I ask is, the three people she named happened to all be at the party that night. But were never named as hanging out together previously. What other explanation is there for her to exactly name the three that he happened to document that night?

Added (1). 25th


Ford is a liar. She didn't even remember the year so stop lying.

LOL "those three never met until that night!" - what laughable gibberish… You really think there's high-level tracking on teenagers going to parties?

No. There's one obvious reason: she is being truthful.

She only listed a couple from the group, not all from the well established group.

She would have to be a time traveler for her to be able to fabricate all the synchronicity in this case.

I don't know when Dr Ford first identified these people as being at the party. If she first did it at the Senate hearing then the calendar was publicly available beforehand.

But this would take an amazing level of dishonesty and commitment to verisimilitude. There's also her story about Mark Judge. She says she ran into him six to eight weeks after the attack at a Safeway where he was employed. Well, buried deep in his memoir is a brief reference to him working at a supermarket to earn money for football camp. If we look at Kavanaughs calendar then he shows camp as being at the end of August, which would have Judge working there six weeks after this July 1st party where must of the alleged attendees were present. It's also interesting that Kavanaugh claimed never to have drink on weekdays. This party was a Thursday night, but it was also the day that the drinking age in Maryland raised from 18 to 21. Makes sense they want one last hurrah

Zero corroborating evidence has been provided by Ford… Nill, nada, zippo. LOL