Did Christine Blasey Ford know what she was getting into when she agreed to be Feinstein's cannon fodder?

Did Christine Blasey Ford know what she was getting into when she agreed to be Feinstein's cannon fodder?

Yes! She helped plan it.

Probably not. Hard to really be mad at miss Ford. She got worked over by a crumbling evil empire.

Yes. If not she is just another Univ Prof dolt

She is well educated and an activist. She knew full well what she was getting into and the payoff was worth it.

$1M GoFundMe probably means she didn't care.

Obviously not, but the Real co conspirators were her Lawyers who should be disbarred.
The Senate Demon-rats should be removed from office.

Very doubtful… Even she admitted that her intent was not to come forward and only did so when the media constantly hounded her (not at the request of any committee member)…

Probably. Her name is now a household word, there's a potential book deal and movie in her future and that means a few million bucks. I'm sure she calculated the value of all these goodies against the shame of going public with such a farce.

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