Did Brat the Rat Kavanaugh and Mark Judge try to have a devil's triangle with Blasey-Ford?

Did Brat the Rat Kavanaugh and Mark Judge try to have a devil's triangle with Blasey-Ford?

It seems from her testimony they could have attempted to do that.

Yes, but no one had quarters.

Ford's real groper has been revealed Did Brat the Rat Kavanaugh and Mark Judge try to have a devil s triangle with Blasey-Ford

Dr. Ford is way too ugly

Common name-calling lib troll…

The best part is that the Americans will always be Americans, defeating the socialist egomaniacs like the Clintons and the showcased empty vessels that make up leftist bowl movements… I mean, political stretches.

Nah, they were just messing around with her. She was kind of dorky.

According to her she doesn't know.

No. She's a lying *****.