Did any former POTUS Croak while Obama was POTUS? Pretty sure Reqagan and Ford both passed during Bush 43?
Did any former POTUS Croak while Obama was POTUS? Pretty sure Reqagan and Ford both passed during Bush 43?
Added (1). I wonder why two of you AssYOu Me'd I had some hidden meaning behind this q
Nope, first one since Ford
Maybe some first ladies did but not any presidents.
Google is your friend, so act like it.
- Trump mixed up the Star Spangled Banner - written during the War of 1812 - with the Revolutionary War. Anyone remember Obama saying? Henry Ford invented the automobile? Kinda comes with the territory of very long speeches, sweltering conditions and more distractions than most of us would dare tackle.
- Trump just said he doesn't care if Ford was lying or not, the important thing is the GOP won. Can we pretty much assume any conservative? Is lying every time they speak from now on? Like we didn't know already. Taking a lie away from a conservative is like taking a porkchop away from a pitbull.
- Trump is a Racist, but hasn't everyone forgot Romney, McCain, Bush, Dole, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, Goldwater and Ike? Well actually hasn't the race-bating started to intensified since Reagan? How quickly we forget every 4 years and the chants and the driving narrative of the Left? @Grundoon, You're making the same old defense that is part of the prevailing narrative made by the Media and Hollywood themselves. @ xg6 , Actually it began in the late 1970's, until 1965 Democrats had nothing to stand on and there was no Jessie Jackson or Al Sharptons.
- My 2000 Ford Ranger 6 Cyl 3.0 L has been overheating. Pretty sure its a radiator problem but odd symptoms? Truck exhaust will puff moderate amount of white smoke (every now n again) on cold startup but will subside after engine warming up.Truck "Was" overheating until i put more coolant in but realised cap was steaming along with coolant reservoir (reservoir was also bubbling). So i bought a new radiator cap. I got a safety cap and after installing I drove a little and engine temp goes to red really fast. What could it be? Thermostat? Water pump? Blown head gasket?