Could a Democratic President ever nominate a swing vote to the Supreme Court?
Gerald Ford swing voter:
John Paul Stevens
Reagan swing voters:
Anthony Kennedy
Sandra Day O'Connor
GHW Bush swing voter:
David Souter
Gerald Ford needs to be bought back to life just so conservatives can all collectively punch him for appointing the anti-second amendment douche Stevens.
And both the Bushes should have never been president. Awful piles of garbage for conservationism.
You need to understand that Republicans didn't expect people like Kennedy and Souter to turn out to be swing voters and that they were deeply disappointed by them.
Obama tried with Merit Garland.
Never gonnna happen, the congressional democrats depend on activist judges to play for the democrat team.
Not just supreme court Judges but state and federal level judges too.
So we will never see a Democratic President ever nominate a swing vote to the Supreme Court or any other court.
Liberal justices appointed by democratic presidents have voted together 100% of the time.
not once, has one ever voted different than the other liberal justices
- Would the most patriotic thing all those around the President could do be to completely ignore all his commands and attempt to convince him? To resign for the good of the country? Then, Pence could pardon him for all crimes (just like Ford pardoned Nixon) and the country will be safe once again.
- If Trump and Pence both resign could President Pelosi appoint Hillary to the vice-presidency with Senate approval? Keep in mind President Nixon appointed Gerald Ford to the vice-presidency. Later President Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller to the vice-presidency!
- Has left wing liar Christine Ford sealed Judge Kavanaugh's appointment to the US Supreme Court for 35 years of conservative rulings? President Trump will have another nomination to send to the Senate when Ginsburg leaves. We now have the lowest women's, black and Hispanic unemployment in US history. Democrats can no longer bully women around because of President Trump Stevie Nicks has come back from retirement. Vote Republican in November My Class of 1973
- Do you agree with Lindsey Graham that not serving on the supreme court means your life is ruined? He says he's not going to "ruin Kavanaugh's life" over Dr. Ford's allegations. Not having the opportunity to serve on the supreme court means your life is ruined? well gee, a lot of people don't serve on the supreme court. in fact, most people don't.