Could a Democratic President ever nominate a swing vote to the Supreme Court?

Gerald Ford swing voter:
John Paul Stevens

Reagan swing voters:
Anthony Kennedy
Sandra Day O'Connor

GHW Bush swing voter:
David Souter


Gerald Ford needs to be bought back to life just so conservatives can all collectively punch him for appointing the anti-second amendment douche Stevens.

And both the Bushes should have never been president. Awful piles of garbage for conservationism.

You need to understand that Republicans didn't expect people like Kennedy and Souter to turn out to be swing voters and that they were deeply disappointed by them.

Obama tried with Merit Garland.

Never gonnna happen, the congressional democrats depend on activist judges to play for the democrat team.
Not just supreme court Judges but state and federal level judges too.
So we will never see a Democratic President ever nominate a swing vote to the Supreme Court or any other court.

Liberal justices appointed by democratic presidents have voted together 100% of the time.

not once, has one ever voted different than the other liberal justices