Cons: How do you suppose Dr. Ford knew in advance that Kavanaugh was going to be nominated when he was just one of several being considered?

Cons: How do you suppose Dr. Ford knew in advance that Kavanaugh was going to be nominated when he was just one of several being considered?

Added (1). she sent that letter about those allegations before he was nominated.

Ford lied and was exposed,… Get over it,… You lost, America won

you are very retarded

On July 2, 2018, Kavanaugh was one of four US Court of Appeals judges to receive a personal 45-minute interview by President Donald Trump as a potential replacement for Justice Anthony Kennedy. On July 9, Trump nominated Kavanaugh for a seat on the Supreme Court.

July 30: Feinstein receives a confidential complaint
Ford wrote Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, a confidential letter alleging that Kavanaugh climbed on top of her at a party in the 1980s, held her down and groped her.

Wrong time line

She kept her mouth shut until her career didn't matter more. Accusers are losers. I know from real life. Real life with no career.

Feinstine should have been impeached for her shenanigans…

She's a crook.

You can rest assured that the Trump haters were well prepared for all of the potential candidates anyone that trump had appointed would have been vilified. Why change tactics when they worked so well with Roy More

How do you know that the democrats did not have Dr. Buick all prepared in advance for Justice Smith?

I believe fords account, but I also think she sent the letter after he was nominated. However, she had told friends he was her assailant before he was nominated and told her husband that he was her assailant something like ten years ago