Competing Neighbors?
I brought a new car about a month ago. And my neighbor trying to compete with me and I was like wow… I got a Toyota from a Ford dealership and they got a Jetta a fewer days ago from the Ford dealership. So, anyways whatever I do they do I like one day me and my husband has a cookout and they next day they had a cookout. Or we get some new furniture and the same day they got new
furniture .One day my husband was changing the tires and the same day at the same time they changing tires. What is going on they be looking at out the window.
You should feel proud (except for your horrendous English)
That you are the Neighbourhood Leader.
Coincidence? Changint tires why? Maybe there was something on your street that blew tires out. And hearing of other people getting new stuff is always incentive to upgrade yourself. Like what your still living in the 90s, time to get into the 2000s.kind of thing. Heres an idea, invite them to your cookout so they don't have to have their own.
Sounds funny. It's called keeping up with the Joneses.
OK. So what is the problem?
Okay. And this is your problem because? You do you. Live your own life and disregard their stuff.
Apparently you are looking out your window as much to see and notice what they are doing. I really doubt they would be changing tires just because you did and lots of people have cookouts all summer, if their furniture came the same day yours did they probably ordered it and think you are copying them, why not just mind your own business? Who cares what they do?
So how exactly are they hurting you?
What's the problem? There's no competition unless you make it one. It doesn't matter if they do something after you do it. It doesn't mean there's a competition going on. It's also not harming you in any way so what is your problem?
Sounds like they got some mental issues they need to deal with, maybe you should give them a taste of their own medicine and see how they like it
I have neighbors that copy me too. I paint my house, they paint theirs the same color, I get a bird bath, they get one too, put reflectors on my mailbox… Guess what? Yep, reflectors on her mail box… Put up a bird feeder, planted flowers, got solar path lights… Etc.
It is annoying and weird. I will never let them I side my house, that would be too creepy to think she copied my interior choices.
I suppose she just doesn't have any original ideas and has to look at other people's things to assure herself that her home looks good. I should take it as a compliment but it feels creepy.