Christine Ford's address & phone # were made public and she's received a lot of death threats. Isn't this exactly why women don't come out?

Christine Ford's address & phone # were made public and she's received a lot of death threats. Isn't this exactly why women don't come out?

If you don't lie you won't suffer the consequences.

I thought she was driving cross country?

No it is not. This particular case is unusual because it involves politics and a person of notoriety. In the vast majority of assault accusations, the media and public have zero interest.

Kavanah's wife has received hundreds of ugly emails from liberals

You mean like the threats the Kavanaugh family is receiving?
This isn't exactly why people step up and put themselves out for public service.

It must be an awful position to be in.

It's why she was trying to be so careful, if incognito, when she wrote the letter to Feinstein… Why she wanted the FBI to investigate before she testified…

Kavanaugh's wife and daughters are receiving death threats also. But you don't care about them, do you?