Christine Ford has been attacked, threatened, and ridiculed for speaking out. Isn't this why many women wait to come forward?

Christine Ford has been attacked, threatened, and ridiculed for speaking out. Isn't this why many women wait to come forward?


Kavanaugh has been attacked, threatened, and ridiculed for something that hasn't been proven that he did. Where's your outrage on that?

I guess bill clinton and the DNC set the precedent then

That's about the size of it. It's why I didn't, and my case certainly wasn't at a national level.

Christine Ford has provided no proof, no specific time, no specific place, and her story constantly changes. She's an outspoken leftist political activist who has decided that NOW is a good time (very convenient timing indeed) to slander Kavanaugh's reputation. Every alleged witness says it didn't happen. Until proof has been put forward, Ford is a blatant liar in my book. Why should women automatically be believed, and why should a woman's words have more weight than a man's words?


The Kavanaugh family has also been threatened.

Democrats are using Ford to get to Republicans even though she can't remember most details. Since there's no evidence she will look foolish. The result will increase the fear in women who might otherwise come forward.

Replace her name with Brett Kavanaugh IN PUBLIC!
So what PUBLIC figure has done that to her and then tell us how MANY LIBERALS say that Kavanaugh must prove he's not guilty?
Why did the Mob chase Ted Cruz out of the Restaurant?
Has that happened to any Democrat in the past 1,000 year?

Well, she'll have about half a million dollars in crowdfunding to comfort her. Maybe that will encourage more women to "come forward."