Christine Blasey Ford was called a liar and con artist by Trump. How does it feel to be called a liar/con by world's biggest liar/con?
Christine Blasey Ford was called a liar and con artist by Trump. How does it feel to be called a liar/con by world's biggest liar/con?
? Amen.
Best compliment ever to a old hag of a lady
YOU obviously weren't listening
- Why is Christine Ford the only person in the world that remembers the party? Even her lifelong liberal female friend that Ford named being there has no idea what she is talking about?
- How come people don't realize that Christine Blasey Ford is a liar? Nothing she ever claimed was actually proven and people believed her off nothing. Why should anything she said be taken seriously?
- Ford, GE etc are raising prices with mass lay offs because of Trumps trade war with China how do blue collar workers feel about Trump now? Just curious about how this makes a person feel to hear this. It typically takes about two-Three years for the new presidents policies to start to affect the economy and it seems to be the case here as well. How does this make you as a Ford worker or advanced manufacturing worker feel? What's your opinion on it?