Can I turn a Pcp into a hire purchase?
I took out finance on a car that I love under a pcp scheme roughly 2 years ago. It has now reached its break even point and I thought it would be cool to get my monthly payments down and hopefully pay the rest of the balance off over a longer term so i can own the car at the end. Could I refinance £11,000 over a longer (4-5 years) period to pay roughly £200 a month? Or is this generally not allowed? This is with Ford.
Maybe take teh recording back
Read your contract.
Buying a car over 5 years is madness.
It is a fast way to get into trouble and destroy your credit.
Leasing is a very expensive way to drive a tin box
It works for companies due to the way companies are taxed.
For individuals it is just appealing to the I want what I can't afford greed.
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