Can a tooth be pulled if pain is in jaw near neck?

I have an appointment on monday.

My jaw is sore and has a lump near the infected tooth.

I don't have much money and can only ford a teeth being pulled?

Is there a chance I might need more than just my tooth pulled?

That my main concern cause I can't afford surgery

They often prefer the infection from the tooth to be under control when they pull it, but on occasion. They go in and get it anyways. In that case, they will give you a prescription for antibiotics. Don;t care how broke you are, you'll need them.

There's programs out there for people that can't afford surgery, i've had 5 surgeries and i couldnt have afforded even one of them, check into them

Hi so an abyss can be why you have pain so a course of anti bionics is usually prescribed by a doctor.