Associates of Sen Feinstein says she was set up by Ford etal?

Could this be?

No one is saying that. You're making that up. Quit lying. Quit being a traitor.

Apparently someone leaked outside of the Feinstein office. LOL

Bi*ch, please. Video or GTFO.


You EVER seen a career politician actually take responsibility for their blunders? Especially a DEMONCrat?

My opinion is that she can't stand the stench, this is a stain on her legacy and will get out soon.

Online Russian to English translators are notoriously inaccurate.

Set up? She's trying to set up Kavanaugh. She had this supposed letter since July but waited until now to present it? Please! The Democrats are up to their dirty tricks again.

The Left is simply planning ahead for damage control when the false accusation scam blows up in their faces.

I think Feinstein has Alzheimer's disease. Her mind is on its way out.