Are the Republican Senators getting last minute instructions on how to at least appear to be respectful during Dr.Ford's testimony?

Are the Republican Senators getting last minute instructions on how to at least appear to be respectful during Dr.Ford's testimony?

You know she's being used right?

Why did Feinstein sit on the letter until now?

Probably. I'd just tell her to put some ice on that. -Bill Clinton

Their female assistant probably is telling them how to.

Yes! They can only be respectful of women if they have a script to go off of. Sad!

McCain was the last respectful Republican Senator. Now they are just vile and repulsive.

Yes, they are white men so you know that is 2 strikes against them by the press.

No, they have got the stake ready to burn her after a fair hearing of course.

I'm listening "live": Grassley did exactly that.