Are the Cons still mad at Henry Ford for fundamentally changing America?

Are the Cons still mad at Henry Ford for fundamentally changing America?

Wow. Wake and meth morning?

Yes. We liked the horse and buggy

Henry ford said that workers should be paid as much as is possible. That already makes him a communist to most republicans.

Whoa, bloke, you's sure is woke, yo.

You don't seem to be very intelligent. That's why you keep posting childish comments that only highlight your ignorance here over and over.

Drug abuse has rotted you brain, that and syphilis.

Ford (Henry, that is) did No Such Thing!

He operated WITHIN the Fundamentals of America to revolutionize Manufacturing for the whole world.

LOL democrats have gone fully retard

blu still supports slavery

The definition of "conservative" is reluctance to change.
Conservatism favors tradition.
Thus, it's no surprise throughout US history the right wing resisted women's suffrage, civil rights, equal rights, gay marriage etc. However, it might take a few decades but most of them eventually change their mind.