An FBI investigation could show whether Ford was paid or otherwise coached to make up her story, so what's the problem?
An FBI investigation could show whether Ford was paid or otherwise coached to make up her story, so what's the problem?
The GOP knows Kavanaugh is guilty so they're trying to ram his confirmation through before the full truth becomes known.
The operative word is "could"
And that, for judge Kavanaugh, is the problem - it could also prove that he's a sex pest!
I doubt it was either one. The story is so lame that real politicians would have done a better job.
That's my point. Let the games begin. Why are they rushing him into the seat Trump paid him to be in? Good men turned him down, Oh wait! He never attempted to pick a good man.
The FBI already vetted him 6 times throughout the years, and they found nothing.
It is not the job of the FBI to run background checks on accusers of nominees
1 - This would have been a State Crime and out of the FBI's Jurisdiction to investigate.
2 - the complainant can't even say when this happened or where. How does one investigate THAT?
3 - All we have is hearsay with NO EVIDENCE. And the only supposed witness and the accused have denied her story.
Trump doesn't want the investigation.
Stalling tactic to try to get past midterm elects. And that is all this is
Truth. Something Cons don't understand
- Should the FBI be investigating Dr. Ford? We can easily see Dr. Ford has changed her story, gave her story to the Media instead of? Standing tall and testifying, refuses to be investigated, deleted her social media account history and emails and has all the earmarks of a Leftist that Hates Trump enough to distort the facts or lie. The FBI has investigated Kavanaugh 6 times, why not Dr. Ford?
- Media and the left are bent on believing Ford no matter what. Will she make up details to make sure her story is believable? So far her only witness has denied being there. Her details are so sketchy they are not really believable. But, Kavanaugh is being roasted anyway. This is just terrible. The point being, she could say ANYTHING at this point and the left would believe it. She can contradict herself (the number of people in the room) or she can flat out lie because we're not demanding any proof. It is really terrible what they are doing to Kavanaugh.
- Isn't it good the Meuller investigation will be halted maybe now Whittiker will get Hillary's investigation going? Let's get to the bottom of the 33,000 emails she deleted after a subpoena. Only fair they make it even and delete the Meuller files don't you agree? It's justice Secondly, a Dr Ford FBI investigation into lying about assault charges to screw Kavanaugh would be nice