I can't afford my credit card payments, what to do?
I got a credit card a year ago, which was a mistake on my part. The payments were at first manageable, now I have a family to feed and house. My fiancée's paycheck goes all towards child support and daycare, so everything else is up to me. I've considered filing bankruptcy, some tell me it's a good idea, some say not to. My debt is $6000. It doesn't sound like a lot, but the payments and interest are what is killing me. The creditors aren't really helpful when it comes to arrangements. I know there are thousands out there with the same issue. What did you do?
Get a second job. Work seven days a week. Sell belongings you don't need. Sell your car. Don't spend a single nickel that you don't have to. No alcohol, no restaurants, no Starbucks, no Netflix, no new clothes, no salon treatments, etc.
Increase income.
Reduce expenses.
Sock every nickel you have toward the debt.
Do not file bankruptcy over $6,000. First thing is to cut the credit cards up so you can't use them any longer. Then work on paying off the debt you have. Work an extra job, sell some things you no longer need, do whatever it takes to get out from under this debt.
You go to a debt management agency who will talk to the credit card company, and make an arrangement with you to make smaller payments, sometimes the interest can be frozen too, and cut up the card!
Sorry child u seriously uninformed uneducated clueless about Reality of money and bankruptcy.
you not bankrupt.
Get a second job obviously.
Get a budget and live on CASH.
Don't get married until u paid off and both of you have money marriage counseling.
Bankruptcy for 6000$ is only if you a true idiot.
As for getting married to someone in poverty level income, skip unless you want to live under bridges abandoned building cars homeless shelter.
Do you know what where how to use libraries in your country?
Libraries got books on WHY you NOT bankrupt and WHY if you foolish enough to do so u'll be paying for it over DECADES.
Skip the wedding.
Get 2nd jobs.
Get a budget and live on it.
Spend some months reading learning studying researching Dave Ramsey website for enlightenment education about money debts credit card score slavery and life in general.
Sit down and go over your last several bank statements with a fine tooth comb.
Eliminate EVERYTHING that you do not NEED to spend money on from your life
A hint, that most people for some reason seem to be surprised by: Restaurants of any kind are not a NEED. Not even if you have a coupon.
Neither is cable TV, or Netflix, or any gaming related subscriptions.
Concerts and movies are not needs.
And I'm speaking from experience here. I work at a place that helps people manage their finances. The main reason people come through my door is because they haven't figured out how to separate wants from needs.
Once you do that and are only spending money on needs, you take all the money your saving by not spending on wants, and throw it at the credit card bill.
I owe thousands more than you. So what do I do? I pay it back. That's what I gave my word to do, and it's what you did too. The minimum payment is usually only about 1-2% of the total balance. Yes, I know it's not easy, but doing the right thing often isn't. But I'm sure that's not what you want to hear.
Don't file bankrupcy on $6000. But talk to a NONPROFIT credit counseling company and see if they can help you can work out a payment arrangement to pay less (stay away from the for-profit ones). Often they can get the interest reduced. And quit using the card if you haven't already.
Ask the credit card co if they convert it into a personal loan for 4 or 5 years. You can't file for bankruptcy because it's under $10.000
You can work with the credit card companies to get this resolved, stop using the card for anything, get another job, start selling stuff you don't need any more or at least can do without
I know of a reliable loan company that can give you loan.
This is no joke.
They are perfect and they are legit
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