Where is the oil plug and filter on my Ford fairmont 1997 EL?

So as you may have gathered, I'm not very mechanically knowedgable, and recently I've decided to change my oil, with the help of online tutorials. So I went out and purchased all of the required supplies I'd be needing (oil filter, trolley jack, stands, wratchets, filter etc). But my only dilemma which I'm now facing, is where is the oil plug and filter? I know it's under the car, but the online tutorials never specifically said where. If you post helpful links, suggestions or anything, it's really appreciated!

Underneath the car your oil pan will be the lowest part of the engine. There should be one large bolt in the bottom. This is your plug. As far as the filter, look around the engine, it will be noticeable.

Hey Shelly… I've seen more people ruin their motor or transmission trying to play lube boy so tell me, why is it so important for you to change your own oil when you could just look around for coupons or even dealerships that offer discounts on oil changes to try and get customers into their Store? You're really only going to save $5 to $8! I see oil change deals in my area for $30. My commercial account price for 5 gallons of oil and a filter comes to $28. You're going to take a chance ruining your vehicle and get all dirty and end up with old oil to deal with. Where is this saving you any money?