Can a stock 2007 ford ranger run 7.5 sec from 0-60 with a manual or does it have to be an auto?

Can a stock 2007 ford ranger run 7.5 sec from 0-60 with a manual or does it have to be an auto? - 1

In the Ranger's case the automatic is actually quicker. Both the automatic and manual are 5 speeds. The manual used in the Ranger is the Mazada-sourced M5OD. It has long throws and really can't be effectively powershifted with any grace or dignity, it'a a truck gearbox,(though a curiously a rather flimsy one, check out the towing weight limits for an M5OD-equipped truck vs. An automatic). Whilst the 5R55E is actually a pretty efficient automatic as far as those go.

Neither will get to 60 MPH in 7.5 seconds though. The automatic can do it in a little over 8 seconds. The manual should be just under 9 seconds.

More like 9 seconds

Only if it is going downhill. You bought a truck built for working, not a race car. You would have to rebuild the engine and most likely end up blowing it up.

It would have to be falling off of a cliff to go that fast jojo.