Problem with convertable top?

I have a 2002 Ford Mustang and the convertable top will not go up. When I first got it; the top would go up kind of slow but it would still work. I didn't use it that much but when I trued to bring it up the other day, it seemed like it didn't have anough power to make it up. I checked the pump under neath the back seat and their is plenty of hydraulic oil in their. Also note that it goes down fine just not up. Anyone else have this problem?

Sit by the pump and have someone press the switch to raise the top,



2) NO SOUND you have an electrical system problem
A) check to see if the fuse or relay is good
B) check switch listen to the motor when you tap switch if it tries to work clean switch contacts
C) if the top still doesn't work use a generic 2 pole switch and retest if it doesn't work like it should the motor is bad

3) Bad Hydraulics
A) check fluid
B) check for leaks they will be obvious
C) since the lines are usually transparent you can see the fluid if you see breaks in the fluid you have air in the lines and will need to bleed the system
D) If no obvious leaks, fluid level is good, no air in lines then the pump head is bad and needs to be replaced. Sometimes you can just find the pump head and others you will need to replace the whole pump motor

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