Is Geico good car insurance?

I'm a 21 year old guy. I know car insurance for my age group is hella expensive also considering I bought a brand new car about 7 months ago. Nothing too expensive just a 2014 Ford Focus. I was insured through State Farm on my old car paying 200 bucks monthly. My current car I'm insured through MetLife and pay 240 monthly. Its so expensive so I've been fishing around with insurance companies looking for similar coverage and something cheaper. Geico quoted me at 110 bucks a month with everything I have with MetLife. Is there a catch?

I don't recommend buying insurance from a lizard.

Make sure they mean full coverage and not just liability. We've all been there: if you're under 25 and unmarried, you're going to eat it regardless of company.

Sounds too good to be true. Compare coverages and double check the quote. Extend the payments to compare 12 month premiums.

Yes there's a catch. That isn't a real quote from Geico.

Lemmy guess, you didn't get that quote directly from Geico. You got it from one of those multi-company quoting sites like or, right? Right.

About 99% of those sites are totally not the real thing. Some of them are spammer / scammer sites, where they gather whatever info you give them and sell it to the highest bidder. Most of them are pure ad sites, showing you made up generic prices (with the "estimate only, subject to verification" disclaimer, which makes it technically legal) while advertisers pay them per page hit.

Stop playing around online, and call a broker / agent or six and get real professional quotes. Doing it by phone is time consuming, but it has its advantages. On the phone, you know you're talking to a registered professional. You also know you can say "wait, what does that actually mean in plain English" and they'll tell you. And if they can't or won't tell you, at least you know who not to sign up with.

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