What could cause a knocking sound under the hood of a car?

I just bought a used 2013 Ford fiesta last month from a dealership. Yesterday, I did a 3hr trip to visit my girlfriend in west Virginia. I pulled off the freeway, because I felt like I was lost. GPS wasn't helping me at all. So, I'm going like 25mph and I notice the knocking sound under the hood. It sounds like it's coming from the driver side of the car. I still visited my girlfriend, but I was cautious all the way home. I only hear it when I first start up the car and at low speeds. When I go above 10mph I can't hear it at all. I got an appointment with a mechanic for Friday, but I work all this week and I'm making another trip to west Virginia on Wednesday. Is it safe to drive or is this something serious?

So did you even open the hood, check the oil, stuff like that?

If the gasoline ignites on its own before the spark plug fires, because of engine pressure or engine heat, it explodes, making a knocking or pinging sound.

"Sometimes knocking sounds can be caused by using the wrong type of fuel for a particular vehicle, for instance, using regular unleaded if a vehicle requires higher octane fuel," Mori says. "Other times the sounds could be caused by a malfunction with the spark point. Issues that fall into this category include spark plugs that need to be replaced, ignition timing issues or any number of other possibilities

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