Squeaking noise on 1995 Ford Explorer?

There's a squeaking noise coming from the front end of my explorer. It only happens while driving. If I'm in park and hit gas nothing happens. Only when I begin to move. Any ideas?


U-joint, brake pads (wear indicators) get it checked. Noises can mean something is bad or worn out.

The front-end have a dozen or so 'rubber' bushing, in the suspension and steering. As those age, they slowly harden, and start to squeak. Get a spray can of lubricant, like WD-40, and HOSE DOWN every rubber bushing you can see. Crank the tires all the way to one side, open the hood, and hit every one several times. That should quite things down.

If the noise goes away when you apply the brakes you're hearing the brake pad indicators rubbing on the rotors to let you know you need a brake job.

Can be many things.bushes being potentially the area to look at first. We need to ascertain if we can which side of car? Is it when going over bumps? Is it speed related? Then check under hood for loose components? Anything rubbing? Then look underneath for same. Plus split bushes? Any rub marks? Have somebody bound eon front of car and see if we can replicate squeak? Is so we can normally pinpoint fairly soon ( be careful with fingers) otherwise of all else fails.garage can check for you and have access to car lift etc plus experience what can give rise to squeaks and methods of locating. Often a quick scary with WD40 on a suspect bush /component can give temporary quietness this at least showing are of concern and what needs to be changed/fixed.